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Judgment The final order or set of orders made by a court after a hearing, usually accompanied by reasons for making the order or orders.

Judge’s Clerk A person whose role is to undertake legal research for a judge or judges. Judicial conference A meeting of the parties and/or their lawyers presided over by a judge, directed to be held by a judge or registrar which is typically used to expedite a proceeding or facilitate settlement.

Judicial Officer A person with the responsibilities and powers to preside over legal proceedings and make decisions and directions in regard to the application of the law.

Judicial roster A monthly planner that provides information about which court location and specific jurisdiction judicial officers will be assigned to each day. Usually available up to four months in advance.

Judicial support staff Staff providing administrative support for judicial officers.

Judiciary The body of people who adjudicate upon legal disputes in the courts. The judiciary comprises one of the three branches of government.

Jurisdiction The scope of a court’s power to hear and determine issues between persons seeking to avail themselves of its processes.

Jury A body of persons sworn to decide matters of fact upon such evidence as is put before them.

Jury Trial A proceeding before a court that is heard by both judge and jury, rather than a judge alone.

Justice of the Peace A person appointed by the Governor-General in terms of the Justice of the Peace Act 1957. The functions of a Justice of the Peace are to take oaths and declarations and to carry out such functions and exercise such powers as are conferred on Justices by the Criminal Procedure Act 2011, such as presiding over preliminary hearings in criminal cases, and hearing minor infringement offences.

Justice Sector A collection of government departments who work together to make New Zealand safer and to deliver accessible justice services and better outcomes for all New Zealanders.

The departments consist of:

  •  Ministry of Justice

  •  New Zealand Police

  •  Department of Corrections (Corrections)

  •  Oranga Tamariki - Ministry for Children

  •  Crown Law Office

  •  Serious Fraud Office.

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