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Dr. Reay is an internationally recognized expert in high-conflict divorce, parental alienation, parent-child estrangement, and child emotional abuse and related trauma. Dr Kathleen Reay's Effective Parental Alienation Therapy, 95% Success Rate (Family Reflections Programme). On you tube channel Never Lose Hope Keep Sending Love

Therapist Douglas Darnall Keys to Reunification Success in Parental Alienation. You tube Never Lose Hope Keep Sending Love Q & A. Renowned therapist Douglas Darnall explains the keys to successful reunification with parental alienation. Darnall is a pioneer of parental alienation scholarship and clinical expertise. His published works are essential including his peer reviewed paper "The Psychosocial Treatment of Parental Alienation" in Child Adolescent Psychiatry and book "Divorce Casualties."

DivorceTown USA From Parental Alienation to Reunification with Amy Baker

The Rachel Foundation for Family Reintegration(America) Organization offering reintegration programs and services for targeted parents and alienated children

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