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The Mental Breakdown

Welcome to The Mental Breakdown and Psychreg Podcast! Dr. Berney and Dr. Marshall begin a three-part series on Parental Alienation Syndrome and provide information on characteristics of PAS.

Jeff Morgan

Understanding the Mindset and Manipulation of the Narcissistic Parent, Part 3/4 Dr Childress In this testimony before the Pennsylvania House Children and Youth Committee

David K

Why Courts Fail to Recognize Parental Alienation with Dr Steve Miller

Dr Steven Miller - Courts don't know when to avoid shared parenting, 95% Error

Permission to Love

Parental Alienation as a form of Emotional Child Abuse a conference on Parental Alienation held in Reykjavik, Iceland, on the International Awareness Day on Parental Alienation on April 25th 2017.


Adult Children of Parental Alienation Syndrome Dr. Amy Baker (Toronto, 2009)

Paul Anderson

Expert Parental Alienation Expert, Psychotherapist Karen Woodall in discussion with Kenn Joyce ACF


Parental Alienation - A Splitting of the Self Nick Woodall, M.S., holds a master’s degree in psychodynamic psychotherapy and has worked with separated families since 1999

The interview was filmed on location at the PASG 2019 International Conference (Parental Alienation Study Group) in Philadelphia, USA, in September 2019. The video is produced by Equal Parenting Rights Association, Iceland,

End Parental Alienation

How to Process Your Grief from Being Alienated

Alienated Daughter Speaks Out

PASG Parental Alienation Study Group (America) International Conference

  • Families Divided TV (America)– Update regarding Parental Alienation Relational Problem with DSM 5 TR with Dr. William Bernet. (5 Factor Model)

  • Families Divided TV (America) What is it Like to be the Parent of an Adult Alienated Child?

  • Families Divided TV - Dr. Joshua Coleman on the Five Common Mistakes of Alienated and Estranged Parents

  • Parental Alienation Awareness Organization(American) Web site with information about parental alienation

Goldberg & Associates – Parental Alienation Toronto Conference

A legal group based in America started by Joseph Goldberg who recognised the need for a more specialised focus when it comes to the breakup of a relationship where children are involved and the possibility of P.A. Here they are hosting a conference in Toronto with speakers who are well versed in their profession. Very inciteful with a wide range of speakers such as Amy Baker, Jayne A. Major (Author of Breakthrough Parenting and founder of Stop Parental Alienation of Children), Pamela Richardson (Mother of Dash, Author of A kidnapped Mind), Marty McKay.

Linda Gottlieb (America) + Author of The Parental Alienation Syndrome: A Family Therapy and Collaborative Systems Approach to Amelioration

I testify around the country as an expert witness in family therapy, healthy and dysfunctional family dynamics. My sub-speciality is diagnosing for Parental Alienation versus Estrangement and for assessing for the appropriate treatment and remedy in such cases. I testify as to when transfer of custody is appropriate and necessary. Such a recommendation is made because parental alienation is a form of severe psychological child abuse.

Dr Emma Katz:Understanding Coercive Control and it's Impacts on Children, a 17-minute talk in English with French Subtitles, November 2022

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