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International Links and Webpages

You tube has a wealth of information available. Listed below are various resources, (which will lead you onto other resources) to help you comprehend what is going on in your life and your children’s lives. Comprehension and understanding in order to move forward is key, often we need to learn to still our minds to look back, remember, comprehend and move forward by absorbing newly acquired information, continual healing of past hurts and learning to keep on keeping on!!

It is extremely difficult to separate resources at times as often categories fall into each other. This issue is closely blended with disorders of the mind hence why there are many related subjects.

You may well find ‘bleeding through’ of your relationship with your x spouse affects the ‘now’ relationship with your child. Understanding and overcoming the hurt and trauma you went through in order to help you make sense of what is happening with your child/ren is key.

Although there are groups aimed at Men and Women we know and understand this is not a gendered issue. This affects both sexes. We try to maintain an equal footing by including ALL resources we have come across (there is plenty) whether they be directed at either sex or not. We do not tolerate Mum or Dad bashing. We are here to educate, inform, guide, and help those that are willing.

Many life coaches have experienced similar experiences or journeys to what we are going through, sometimes it pays to ‘go back’ and understand how their journeys came about in order to comprehend how they managed to get through; what tips and tricks they picked up along the way & how they began and continue on their journey to this day.  


The Psychologists have through their own journeys, careers and specialty subjects, attained the knowledge we are striving to understand, other than that others mentioned will be self explanatory. We have strived to include as many channels as possible which has the potentiality to expand your comprehension on this subject and perhaps provide a better understanding of where your current situation is at.  Trying to introduce you to a range of Professionals to give you a broad range of information


Bear in mind most of this information is from America and certain laws there do not apply in NZ. We have a completely different system of laws.

Discernment is necessary as is small chunks of information as to not get so overwhelmed.




P.A. Specialists



Narcissistic experts


Childhood Trauma Experts

Life Coaches

Law Advisors (American)


Divorce Coach
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