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Welcome to the psyche portion, designed to help you help yourself. This is going to be the hardest fight of your life, hence why this entire website was created.

Family Time

Please take the time to let us know how this website and the information contained has helped you. Definitely come back as your mind will often need the repetition to help this information stick, not to mention the updates and current information we endeavour to provide. The current state of your brain chemicals are damaged, rather flooded. You may have suffered some form of abuse prior to your children being taken and kept from you, this may in fact still be undiscovered. It helps to understand where things are at as you are going to rewire your brain throughout this process. You will unwire and rewire everything you know.

We know you are overwhelmed. As parents of P.A. we understand and want to provide you with as much information on this subject as possible. We do recommend you take it in in small digestible chunks as this is unlike anything you have ever delt with. We have all been there, we still are. You are not alone.

The reality of this psychological abuse on our children and us is incredibly immoral and unfair. The lies, deception, grooming and coercion is happening. It is not going to go away in a hurry. This is going to test you emotionally, mentally, financially, physically, spiritually, and morally.

Preparation is key, in one’s mind, body, soul, for everyday living, for court appearances, for dealing with family and friends. As we know you will never give up fighting for your right to parent, fighting to be in your children’s lives. Your comprehension of this situation will not come easily to a confused mind. Dancing the two step in court is enough to deplete any sane rational person, let alone being kept from your child/ren. YOU NEED TO PREPARE YOUR MIND.

The law is not fast enough, information about P.A. (renamed in the court of law as Resist and Refuse) is not forthcoming nor acknowledged within the court system even though there is substantial and substantiated evidence supporting this. This is why we would like you to take the time to partake in our survey so we can provide statistical data on this scourge in our society.

The date set aside for Parental Alienation Day in New Zealand is the 25th of April. Yes, it is indeed a shared date and very overshadowed! The fact this awareness day is set aside is saying something, however the likelihood of this being acknowledged is extremely low. To the best of my knowledge as of March 2023, this date has been widely unacknowledged.

You are going to come across an incredible amount of untruths about P.A. put out by groups, universities and law centres. Discretion is advised. What ‘names’ have been created and used to describe P.A. vary greatly even when it comes down to what your lawyer calls an upcoming court process could actually be a different name within the judicial construct.  (If you choose that approach) We are not stating our site is the be all and end all. We have strived to cover and include ALL aspects of Parental Alienation and point you in directions we believe to be most helpful. We believe in truth and knowledge being your best line of defence, we do not believe in the fluffy lies portrayed to mislead, hence why there is a diverse range of information available to you right here. We have endeavoured to include information we have acquired ourselves over a combined length of years, approximately 80 years’ worth of knowledge, all from varying circumstances and approaches. We didn’t have this available to us, we wanted to combine and collate our knowledge to be freely available for those who are going through this now.

As stated, there is much misleading information. I recently came upon (March 23) an American university stating Dr Childress coined the terminology Parental Alienation through extensive research. We have been led to believe Richard Gardner is the original holder of the title Parental Alienation Syndrome, with Syndrome being dropped in later years. Some of Gardner’s work being taken out of context as it was based on some of Sigmond Freud’s findings. If you go deep enough into the research Freud had a very unique way of describing humans and personality traits. Needless to say, modern society does take the past out of context and staying abreast of recent information and findings is vital. There will always be infighting and accusations in any profession especially toward Gardner and Childress, however one thing remains, that being the patterns of these toxic parents who choose to keep our children from us.

They choose to protest their delusional accusations of our parenting to our child/ren, friends, family, law makers police and so on. They ‘keep’ our children from sane, rational loving Parents.

Information truth and facts evolve over time but the key components always remain the same.

P.A. is what stems from the psychological abuse our children endure, often, unknowingly to us, from birth also often at the point of parents separating. How do we get this recognised in the court of law, this extremely damaging aspect to our child/ren’s psychological welfare.

What information you happen to come across will resonate in your heart. You will know because you are living this. Infighting has nothing to do with actual hard facts and fully researched information.

There has been a need to enter this into the DSM however the research and findings regarding Parental Alienation are not considered to be sufficient enough. I believe the only entry close to this in the DSM 5 is psychological abuse on children.

We recommend you arm yourself with knowledge by professionals who have themselves spent years conducting studies, some who have also experienced P.A. in their own lives often for two generations.  I am positive you will come to understand that only those that have gone through this truly understand how it affects every fibre of your being and destroys your child/ren’s psychological and often physical health.

Power play with a toxic x, don’t get into it. Go black and white…facts only…as toxic x’s tendencies are grey, there is no room for this in court as the justice system is black and white.

Distinct research places the alienator (high 90’s%) as having some form of a cluster B personality. Learning of these behavioural types we often come to realise similarities of family members and or begin to recall situations and events stemming from our past which are not dissimilar to what we are currently experiencing and/or going through. The mind is a powerful tool particularly when it comes to blocking out traumatic events. Understanding what you are dealing with, patterns and cycles, helps to better understand where to put your energy when it comes to reaching out to your child/ren.

Sometimes we are suffering so much (Trauma) we forget we have been given information pertinent to what we are going through, whether it be tell-tale signs of alienation, NPD and or extreme toxicity.

Keep reading, keep educating yourself and most importantly keep GOING!

Staying in contact with your child/ren

First recommended rules of thumb…

  • Keep your emotions stable and filled only with LOVE

  • Focus only on the good for the sake of your child/ren’s minds. Yours too as there is no necessity for more baggage in yours or your child/ren’s minds

  • Do not bag your ex-partner

  • Disengage from any form of communication with the other parent unless it is about the child/ren

  • Do not impart any form or questioning of WHY. You don’t understand or comprehend what’s happening so how can a child? Hold back on questioning your child/ren

The aim and intention is to BE the stable parent, we all know the one that has kept the child/ren from you is generally not! How can an emotionally unstable person truly care for and truly want the best for your child/ren when selfishness, insecurity and conditional love rules their minds and heart?

If the ability for contact has been withdrawn by the alienating parent ie) blocked mobile, email access denied, visitation blocked intentionally by police/court involvement, then we’d recommend keeping a daily/weekly diary, voice recording or video letting your child/ren know you are still there for them, keep them informed of what you are doing or creating in your life without them. Not by choice, by necessity. (This helps you feel your connection is still alive) This also may be helpful when reunification occurs. Often the children are so brainwashed they believe you do not love or care for them. These types of communications say the complete opposite. 

Your main Goals

The AIM is to deal to the situation with a more objective view, not from a projected space of emotional turmoil. You need to act and speak from a place that is wiser. A space of having healed and worked through some of the issues presented to us. You must remember this is not personal (from the x yes, not from our child/ren) you cannot deal with the situation from a place of fear, even though your world is crumbling. That inner strength you draw upon is needed now in full capacity.

  • Do not let someone live ‘rent free’ in your headspace

  • Learn to trust your intuition

  • Engage in parallel parenting

  • Learn how to reframe your thinking/thought process

  • Become the best version of yourself by educating and comprehending what, who, why, when and how. Once comprehension has occurred to the level of your understanding in PA you NEED to learn how to regulate your emotional self and responses

  • Keep a detailed record of events and occurrences, times, dates and any witnesses

  • Be proactive, particularly when the courts are involved, take every parenting course etc. This ensures the court sees you are a proactive parent wanting your connection with your child

  • Insist on a communication App such as Our Family Wizard

  • Heal your past hurts and traumas, seek wise council with someone who is familiar with and truly understands the situation

  • Get healthy! You need to function from a ‘whole’ you, not a down and out bitter, suffering parent. Eat right, exercise, be at peace with yourself and know you are doing absolutely everything you can to rectify this situation back to some form of normalcy for you and your child/ren

  • If you are having a problem explaining what is happening in your life and with your child/ren, learn some brief explanations or be prepared to forgo your relationship with that person, be it friend or family. Be wise and discerning here, ‘flying monkeys’ comes to mind also ‘intel’ or ‘dirt’ the x requires in order to keep the smear ‘campaign’ in motion.


Some starters for your mental health with more to come regarding brain chemicals and their influence on our child/ren and us.

  • Dr Ramini is an American clinical psychologist, professor of psychology, media expert, and author.(More information is available under Mix’s’ in the International Links and Webpages section.)


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