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We are a support group in New Zealand, set up to help preserve and strengthen relationships between children and both parents before, during, and after separation. We focus on education and support to ensure parents remain in contact with children; especially after the break down of a relationship and involvement with the New Zealand Family Court.  

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About Us

A distinct identity

Here at TEAR, we are driven to do our part in making the world a better place for our children in New Zealand. Since 2022, we have been developing a network throughout New Zealand in the hope of empowering  individuals and families with knowledge, information and strategies to support them through family court proceedings. We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. Are you ready to join us and create real transformation in the lives of so many?

How can we help you?

The focus of our efforts...


Helping parents with parental alienation, resist and refuse dynamics, custodial disputes

Children & young adults

Helping children & young adults understand why parents  struggle to share you


Information and strategies to aid professionals who are dealing with high-conflict/complex cases of separation involving children and custody issues. 

Want more details about what we do? Scroll below to find stories and the latest updates about how our work is helping make an impact. We invite you to learn more about our efforts and help spread the word about our important cause.

Pile of Books

TEAR Glossary and Terminology

Newcastle Australia

NZ Resources

All Hands In

International Links and Webpages

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